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The Ultimate tool kit

What You Will Need

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The type of supplies and tools you use can speak to the type of trainer you aspire to be. As a heads up, all methods and tools work to varying degrees. You may not be able to change that, but you can lead yourself in the direction your dog would be proud of.

With that being said positive is not permissive and we do need elegant ways to set boundaries and train behaviors

Below are a few of my recommendations to start dog training. If you want the complete list, press I'm In!!

Look at what is possible

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Dolphin training 2

Have you ever been to SeaWorld or seen a video of a dolphin jumping out of and doing flips above the water? 

The dolphins typically have been classically conditioned to follow around a target stick, a big white ball attached to a long pole. They may even bring it out in the show to help guide novice dolphins.  

  • It is universal, all animals and breeds understand following a target
  • Clickers and Target Sticks can train most behaviors, Sit, Down, Stand, Roll Over, Jumping, and much more!
  • ​​Clearly teaches and stops unproductive food luring techniques
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Training reliability

Classical Conditioning & Counter Conditioning

Bumble and I were living by the beach, going on runs, and living life to the fullest. Being in a small apartment there was lots of dog training to do, barking when people walked by, being good in his crate while I worked, coming when called, and more.

One day, after training, my roommate and I sat down to have a beer and catch up. As we are talking the building starts to shake, it gets really loud, we stop talking, and wait for the plane to pass over. Our apartment was by the beach but also next to the airport and about every 10 minutes another plane would come in to land. 

We had been living there for a few months at this point and would just pretend we didn't care and practiced stoic patience, but I would not say we enjoyed when the planes flew over. So I suggested we counter condition ourselves. You want to do what with us? My roommate looked at me weirdly

Look, right now the pattern is hear the airplane, get frustrated but be stoic, which doesn't feel good.
Let's change that to hear the airplane, cheers and take a drink of beer, which may be fun, but we need to test it. And so we did, it turned out to be a fun game, and even to this day if I am drinking and hear an airplane pass by, I'll lift up my glass.

Most dog training is creating a conditioned response to something new that means nothing to your dog, or sometimes counter conditioning an emotional response. Meaning if a particular thing scares, excites, or frustrates your dog, you can counter condition your dog to love, ignore, or get excited instead. Fireworks on 4th of July are a great time to practice this idea, each time a firework explodes, go over go over to a treat jar, say search, and toss your pup a treat.

If you understand that the brain is consistently creating meaning and associations, then you will know 1 of only 2 principles that you can use to train your dog to be your dream dog!  

New Direction Dog Training Logo

New Direction Dog Training

I mostly train new puppy owners because they are motivated and want to put in the time. But I believe that at any age, any breed, and any animal can learn with positive reinforcement and a basic understanding of animal psychology.

I learn from Susan Garrett and focus on
3 pillars in the 4 week program.
1) Coming When Called
2) Crate And Place
3) Walking On Leash

In between we train jumping, Barking, biting, and some fun tricks like Rolling over along the way!


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Improved mental and physical health:

Through regular training sessions, you not only improve your dog's physical health and well-being but also provide them with valuable mental stimulation. By being focused in your training, your dog develops sensory awareness and self-control, which is essential when dealing with distractions. This creates a stronger bond between you and your dog, leading to a healthier and thoughtful dog.


bailey laying down

Improved obedience:

By investing in your dog's training, you are not only improving their obedience, but also their thoughtfulness. Training requires effort and repetition, but the payoff is worth it as your dog becomes a trusted companion who knows and follows the rules. By creating a shared connection with clear boundaries, you and your dog will have a stronger bond and a more reliable partnership. So step up towards a better relationship with your furry friend.


Kaiser sitting at farmers market

Improved communication:

With training, you and your dog can build a stronger bond through improved communication. By better understanding each other, you can creatively and persuasively communicate your expectations, leading to a more reliable and confident pup. Through joyful repetitions and clear results, your dog can become more focused and attentive, ultimately deepening your connection and understanding.


Frequently Asked Questions

who are you as a dog trainer?

As a trainer, I believe in using science and psychology to create the best possible outcomes for both dogs and their owners. That means using rewards to reinforce behaviors, and creating a structured and consistent routine. Understand that positive reinforcement does not mean permissive.
Structure and boundaries are important, especially for puppies who are still learning and developing. It's about striking the right balance between positive reinforcement and clear expectations, just like you would with a human child.

What does that mean for my dog?

I believe in using games and activities to build confidence and create a positive learning environment for dogs. My goal is to help them develop thoughtfulness, reliability, and focus through play and positive reinforcement. I often ask my clients to think back to their own experiences in school, to the teachers who made them feel safe, supported, and inspired to learn, versus those who judged or misunderstood them. By creating a positive, supportive environment, I strive to be the kind of trainer who helps dogs (and their owners) thrive and reach their full potential.

Why choose New Direction Dog Training?

Training with New Direction is all about taking the love you already have for your dog and channeling it into guiding them towards better behaviors. We believe in focusing on positive reinforcement and creation, rather than simply trying to stop undesirable behaviors like jumping, biting, or getting into the trash. At New Direction, we believe in creating a positive and supportive training environment where dogs learn to love the process of training itself.

What do I get by pressing i'm in?

You get my best. I hope you took a bit of time to explore the website, it is not easy building one and I'd rather be dog training. But I want to create one so I can share my most important dog training tips with you. When you press I'm In you get access to what I would go back in time to tell myself. All via email with games to play with your dog and the stories that impacted my journey.

What type of results do you get?

In just 4 weeks you will notice changes in your dog. How they pay attention and offer behaviors like going to their bed, coming when called, and paying attention to you on walks. You and your dog will learn each others language and grow in the process. Will your dog be perfect? No, that is impossible. But will they be thoughtful, reliable, and focused most days, yes. Check out the testimonial and reviews page to read other experiences.

When will my dog be house broken?

When I hear this question I get worried. Does that mean when there will be no accidents inside, when you can leave them in their crate and they don't bark, when you can let them wander around the house completely free, when you can stop training? Each one of these have different answers and they all depend on how focused you are on training now. I like to share the idea that I think of dogs like humans in school, starting at kindergarten and going all the way up to a PHD.  

What can my dog teach me?

Dogs come into our lives to teach us something about ourselves. Honor this treasure. A dog is a true spiritual teacher who spontaneously offers us teachings, tirelessly, and for free. Where else can we find someone to show us who we are and what we, ourselves, need to work on. 
You don't need to go on a spiritual trip to realize this, it's right under your nose!

What do you mean k-PHD?

When I say kindergarten through PHD I mean learning is an ongoing process. Our dogs are learning every day and improving what they already know. Or they are losing focus and letting some behaviors get rusty. It happens until the day they cross the rainbow bridge. As you understand the principles behind dog training you'll see the training moments and react accordingly. Giving your dog and you more opportunities to explore and be free.

Claim your 90 minute dog training lesson, 30 day training guide, and a surprise gift!

Solve Potty Training, Coming When Called, Walking On Leash, Crate Training And Separation Anxiety

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With It You'll Discover,

  • How to calm down your energetic puppy
  • ​The 1 training that makes any dog more thoughtful
  • ​A game to teach your puppy to come when called as fast as they can
  • ​​A story of the crazy, jumping, biting Australian shepherd and their transformation
  • ​​Proven system to get​ your family's dream dog

After helping hundreds of dog owners with new puppies I have learned that puppies are energetic, curious, mischievous and the breed doesn't matter! Australian shepherds, basset hounds, German shepherds, dachshunds, Pomeranians, And it got me thinking.
A master checklist including what I would do in the first 30 days with a puppy would be very helpful

The Secret Is In The Sequence